Secondary Maths Subscriptions
Secondary Maths
Around £2 per pupil/year
Try it nowFor your whole department:
- Access for all your mathematicians
- Classroom & homework resources
- KS3 & GCSE coverage
Secondary Maths + Science
Around £3.20 per pupil/year *
Try it nowFor both your departments:
- The ultimate secondary LbQ package
- Cross-department resource and data sharing
* Costs based on whole-school adoption for a school with up to 1000 pupils over a three year subscription. Minimum charges apply.
Saving teachers time
Time is precious - it's being with your family, it's not carrying around a cold coffee, it's planning that lovely lesson you wanted to do, it's getting a chance to go to the loo! Find out just how much time LbQ could give you... and imagine what you might do with it.
Are you a MAT or Group?
We appreciate everyone is different, and we are happy to discuss with you a tailor-made plan to suit your needs.
The LbQ value calculator
Weekly, how much time do you spend:
A weekly saving of at least